Thursday, March 17, 2011

Need a Virtual Assistant Certification?

Well, truth is, you don't really need one.

But… (and that's a big BUT)

…if you want to increase your chances of getting a client, then you probably would want one.

Here are some ways you could get a virtual assistant certification to impress and assure your potential clients:

International Virtual Assistants Association 
The IVAA is an international association of virtual assistants that also provide online certification for members.

It costs $137 per year to become a member, though. So, yeah. You need to spend some money.

ExpertRating.Com Tests and Certifications

At ExpertRating.Com, you can take tests based on your specialty as a VA.

For example, if you do mostly web design tasks, then you could take a Web Designing test at the site for $14.99.

What's good about this site is that you can test yourself on a LOT of different disciplines. If you want to specialize only on SEO tasks, then you can just spend money on those tests.

 VAClassroom Training Center

The great thing about is it does not just give out certifications, but also has training videos for aspiring virtual assistants who want to learn more about the profession.

But, seriously, you do not need one.

Here is one thing you should know: The best way to get a virtual assistant certification is by doing your job right. Impress your client with your work. Do not let a piece of paper define your capabilities.

It is better for clients to see you perform well without a virtual assistant certification, than perform like crap with one.


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