Customizing your Twitter account is not a necessity but it sure does make your profile look better than the default. The profile settings tab is found on the fifth tab of your account settings.
There are several functions that you can change:
A. Changing your profile photo
Maximum image size is 700k with formats limited to JPG, GIF, and PNG.
1. Log-in to
2. Click on the drop-down menu on the upper right corner of your page aka navigation bar.
3. Click on Settings.
Click on Profile as the fifth tab of the Settings page.
Click Change Image.
You will then see the Choose File button. Click it to choose which file to use.
4. After selecting your desired file, click Save at the bottom of the page.
A new image thumbnail will then appear.
B. Updating name, bio, and location
1. Visit the 'Profile' tab under Settings.
2. You may now make changes to your name, bio and location.
3. Click Save.
C. Customizing Twitter Design
There’s no need to redesign your Twitter page when you already like it. But if you prefer a personalized one, here are ways to modify Twitter design:
1. Log in to
2. Click on settings on the navigation bar or
3. Click on Design tab (last tab)
4. There are preset themes for your choosing but if you’d like to have your own background, select "Change background image” and upload desired file. Background image should not be more than 800k.
5. You may also modify sidebar, text, and link colors by clicking "Change design colors”
6. Click on many of the boxes to change your colors. Just click Done when finished.
7. Save your changes when done
A Twitter virtual assistant is someone you can rely on regarding better twitter profile management. Twitter profile could look brilliant and sophisticated if handled by a Twitter virtual assistant. A Twitter virtual assistant does not only make your profile look better and brilliant but also helps expose your brand online. They also provide customers with technical assistance as well make presentation and other informative media. To learn more, you may visit Twitter virtual assistant.
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