Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Virtual Assistant vs. Company Employee: Who can save you lots of money?

Through the continuous advancement of technology, many strategies were discovered to make our way of life easier. One great example is virtual assistance. With the help of a virtual assistant, business owners like you will be saved from high-priced expenditures.

Imagine saving thousands of dollars by hiring a virtual assistant for your business rather than a regular employee who works visibly at your office.

A virtual assistant is a person who could do the job that an employee could also do. What’s the difference? Let’s try to compare.

  • No space. There are many advantages you could get by hiring a virtual assistant compared to a regular employee. A virtual assistant works at their own personal workplace so you don’t have to worry about providing a single partition of your office.
  • Simple Communication. They can help you with whatever you need done from a remote location via phone and Internet. Everything that your virtual assistant is doing will be made transparent so you are at ease and on track with what’s going on.
  • Reasonable fee. We could never deny that salary matters to any job. Let us consider that this is one of the major factors why employees seek for a job and why employers hire an employee as well. In most of the cases, you would only be paying VA’s almost half of the salary of what you should actually pay for a regular employee. So, you can save lots of money.
  • No miscellaneous expenses. With virtual assistants, there will be more ways of how to save you from other finances. You, as the boss, will not be held responsible for their own health and medical benefits, vacation pay, holiday pay, travel allowances, office supply expenses, etc. You don’t need to waste your money for those things. Instead, all the savings will be kept in your own pocket. Insurance and other health benefits which other typical companies would probably offer to their full-time employees will not be a headache for you to think about. 
  • Keeping your grounds safe. Having a virtual assistant in your company will not place you into any liabilities of whatsoever unethical works they might commit.
  • Increase efficiency. By hiring them, you will be relieved from stress brought about by tons of paperwork at your office and documents as well.

The idea of having a virtual assistant could save you time and money. If they are doing better on their job, you could assign more tasks for them and in return, they will be happier as they will definitely make more money out of their job. As the boss, you have the privilege of making task requests with deadlines and specific work expectations.

So, it’s time to think of who would really fit for your business. Think of how much you can save and what benefits you can gain. You are the boss. You should know better. Think wisely.


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