Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Get To Know Someone Through a Self-created Poll Question on Facebook

Get to know more people from your friends list on Facebook and improve your Facebook Account Maintenance by creating a poll question that they can answer individually. In this manner you can post any question that goes in your mind especially the things that you would like to be answered. Creating a poll question gives you the chance to know what your clients’ wants and needs which is a very important part of your facebook account maintenance. You can also use this feature to get advice from others to help you. To create a poll question, follow these steps:

1. Go to http://www.facebook.com. Sign-in using your email address and password. Then click the “Login” button. Make sure that you have a Facebook account to proceed with the steps. If you don’t have an account yet, make one.

2. On your homepage, look for news feed which is just located in the middle of the page. There are five options below it. Click on “Question”.

3. Type in your question inside the text box that has showed up after you clicked “Question”. This question will be posted on the walls of your friends on facebook. Then add answers for the question that your friends can choose from. You can also add more options by clicking on “Add Poll Options”.

4. Enter the options on the text box provided. If your options are more than three, another box will come out after clicking on the third box. This procedure will continue until you reached the maximum number of allowed options, which are 10. You can also allow others to add to your list of options by clicking on the small box beside “Allow anyone to add options” before hitting the “Ask Question” button.

5. Click the “Ask Question” button to post your question. It will show on your wall. You will be notified if someone commented or answered your poll question.

6. Check your wall to see your poll question. You can ask specific persons to participate or answer your question. Just click “Ask Friends”.

7. Choose from the list who you would like to answer your question. Just click on the check box beside their profile picture.  Then click “Submit”. Keep developing and always make your Facebook account maintenance flexible for an optimal advertising of your business.


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