Saturday, May 28, 2011

Facebook Account Maintenance - How to Use the SMS Feature of Facebook

Facebook is so addicting that you cannot help yourself from checking its updates time after time. One good thing is that, you can even access Facebook through your mobile phone since it has internet. Facebook has a mobile feature that connects directly to the user’s phone. The convenience of mobile phones allows users to connect with Facebook anytime and anywhere they want. But first, you have to register. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Go to Sign in using your email address and password. Then click the “Login” button.

2. On the upper right side of the page, click on the “Account” tab. Then select “Account Settings”.

3. Under “My Account”, click on the “Mobile” tab. A note will show introducing the service.

4. Below the note, click on the “Register for Facebook Text Messages”.

5. Choose your country by clicking on the drop down arrow inside the text box in line with “Country”. Then click your country. It will be automatically registered on the “Country” field.

6. Select your carrier by clicking the drop down arrow in line with “Mobile Carrier”. Then click on the “Next” button to proceed.

7. From your mobile phone, type in the capital letter “F” and send it to 3404. A confirmation code will be sent to your phone. After you have received the code, enter it on the text box under number 2.  Then click the “Next” button.

Facebook account maintenance with SMS features can keep you updated and trendy at the same time. People using Facebook for business marketing will find this feature beneficial combined with many other features in Facebook such as fan pages, social plugins and other Facebook APIs. This is the most important thing to consider on how to get the most out of Facebook for business marketing.


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