Thursday, May 12, 2011

Facebook Account Maintenance: How to Remove Tagged Photos on Facebook

Some of your friends may tag you with photos you don’t like to where you have a picture that you prefer to be buried and hidden instead of showing to the world or photos that may affect your business’ integrity. Facebook account maintenance will be the hero to the rescue on that problem. The embarrassment it causes you makes you eager to detach yourself from that photo.  In situations like this, Facebook allows you to untag yourself form those pictures. To remove a tag from a specific photo you find unpleasant, refer to the following steps:

1. Go to Sign in using your email address and password. Then click the “Login” button.

2. Look for “Profile” on the upper left side of the homepage. Then click the tab. Upon clicking, it will bring you to your profile page.

3. Under your profile picture, you will see some categories. Click on “Photos” under “Info” tab to select pictures you would like to remove yourself from the tag.

4. Select a photo of you that was tagged by your friends that you would like to untag yourself. Point your cursor to the picture and click.

5. Under the photo, you will see the name that was tagged on the picture. Look for your name. Beside it, click the “remove tag” tab to untag yourself from that photo.
By following these simple facebook account maintenance tips, you’ll be assured that no unwanted photos can ruin you and your business.


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