Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The SEO Virtual Assistant’s tips to Web Research

Formerly, when people need to look for information they usually go to the library and painstakingly search for the information in the dog-eared pages of the books that have been in shelves for like the last hundred years. Nowadays though, all that information is just a click away. You just enter what you’re looking for in the search bar, click search and presto, research finished.

Conducting research today has become simple thanks to the advent of the Internet. However, there are still others who find difficulty in looking for the relevant information in the world wide web. Here are some tips from an SEO virtual assistant to get started with web research:

A- Always begin with your own knowledge; What you already know maybe enough and can serve as a jumping board for your web research.

B- Brainstorm for keywords related to your topic.

C- Concept-based search can be used. Although this might be outdated, it can still be very effective.

D- Do not rely on the first page of the search engine results page, dig deeper until you find the most relevant.

E- Evaluate the content based on the relevance, the date it was last updated and if possible the author’s authority on its use; these things are important in your web research.

F- Fine tune your search with the use of search operators.

G- Google is not the only search engine in the world. Make use of other search engines as well.

H- Haste not in your search, take time to ponder and assess your findings.

I- Information in the Meta tags can be useful to shorten your search.

J- Justify other authors work by citing the URL’s. Web research is no different from traditional scholarly research.

K- Keywords must be used when searching.

L- Learn as you go. Try to absorb pertinent information while searching.

M- Master Internet jargon as well as those related to the concept.

N- Not all that you may find is reliable. Neglect unessential information.

O- Observe for indicators of quality information. One good indicator of quality information is if it’s from a .edu site, since the articles usually presented are from reliable research.

P- Plan your web research. This will lighten the task and get you more focused.

Q- Questions to ask: who is the author, the purpose for writing it and is he reliable?

R- Relevance must be the top priority.

S- SEO virtual assistants can seek quality and relevant information

T- Think about the words you need to search.

U- Use quotation marks when searching for exact phrases.

V- Vary your search strategies.

W- What do others say? Whenever possible try to find about the pages linking to the page and check if these pages are quality ones and are devoid of degrading content.

X- Xeropthalmia (dryness and soreness of the eyes) may occur when you do too much web research. Avoid this by using a computer screen glare filter.

Y- Your mastery of the Internet is a factor for the success in web research.

Z- Zealously follow this SEO virtual assistant’s tips provided in here.

The world wide web is without doubt the ultimate repository of information. It holds more information than a library can; however not all the information that can be found in here may be relevant to your search. It is important therefore that one has the knowledge on how to conduct web research. Whereas, if you don’t want to be hassled for doing web research there SEO virtual assistants who can do it for you.


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