Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Write An Effective Article

Are you fond of writing articles about something which you want to share but don’t really have a concrete idea of how it should be written? Actually, we are born having skills in writing. It is innate to all human beings. Everyone can write indeed, but writing an article must always follow some set of rules.

You can write articles which are related to different topics. It could be your one interest, previous experiences, places you have been through, favorite celebrities, sports, and many more. To write an article is also sharing to other people what’s inside your heart and mind. Though you could also do some research but the most significant of all is when you know that the article which you have written is purely made by you.

The main purpose of writing an article is to convey a message to the public audience. Before you write an article, you must remember that the format plays a very important role in determining the quality of your article. In your own common sense, who would read an article wherein the content are scrambled and hard to understand than an article written in an organized manner. You must always consider how the readers will react to your article and their expectations as well.

Given below is the format on how to write an article correctly.

Article Title

A good title will definitely play a very important role in attracting people to read your article. Title will always be the first words which the people could see at the first sight. So in order to persuade them to read your entire article, what you must do is to think and be creative enough in developing a good title for your article. It depends on the title of the article if the reader will proceed reading the article until the end or will just simply ignore it.


The introduction of the article must give the reader a brief idea of what the article contains. In this part, you must present to the reader a good background about your topic and the entire discussion. In the introduction, you only need to simplify your topic which will be discussed on in full details in the main body of your article.


The body is the most important part of the article. It is the most vital part because you must discuss all the concepts related to your topic. You must also answer the questions which pertain specifically to your topic. The body of an article may contain many subtopics and it is advisable to craft each one and make some sort of subtitles. This will be easier to understand and will enable the readers to have an idea of what the entire article contains.


The conclusion is found at the end of the article. In this context, you should provide the reader a brief summary of what you have discussed in your article. You can also give some references which you have used. It will be essential to acknowledge and give some credits to the website or pages where you have taken your references.

These are the common format of writing an effective article. Most of the writers, whether local or international, follows the same set of format. By doing so, you will have an organized content and the readers will be engaged easily on reading your article since it is easy for them to understand. Basically, article writing is easy. It’s just that, there are some rules that you have to follow to make it effective.


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